Hadoop DevOps and Optimization
Hadoolytics provides comprehensive Hadoop DevOps services including cluster setup, security, tuning, and job optimizations for operationalizing your Hadoop deployments. We have strong Hadoop expertise both for Big Data transactional use cases as well as for Big Data Analytics use cases.
Our onsite resources engage with customers to understand their specific Hadoop requirements and are backed by a strong offshore team that provides a seamless model for delivering cost effective services in the long run. The following are specific areas where we can contribute to your Hadoop landscape.
- Manual or automated (Ambari) installation of multi-node Hadoop clusters on premise or in the Cloud based on initial sizing assessment for master and slave nodes.
- Implementation of High Availability (HA) features for new or existing Hadoop clusters.
- Installation of security frameworks to manage fine-grained access control over Hadoop data access components like Apache Hive and Apache HBase.
- Job tuning based on an understanding of the size, type, frequency, and latency of jobs to be run.
- Integration of Spark with YARN for single data platform operation of Spark, Hive, Storm, and HBase.
- Deployment and configuration of HBase including memory and disk space sizing.
Technology Expertise
- Cloudera CDH
- Hortonworks HDP
- Spark & Spark SQL
- Hortonworks HDP security using Ranger
- Cloudera CDH security using Sentry
- AWS Elastic MapReduce (EMR)
- MS Azure HDInsight
- Ambari
- Hue